A few months ago I posted a different photo when she attended the Haunted House and now I've received an email from one of my readers showing me this photo of Jennifer who looks terrified at the house. This great photo came from NetherworldHauntedHouse
This is what they had to say about Jennifer:
That's Jennifer Lawrence hiding in the back after one of our dreaded creatures from above came flying out with an aerial assault! Based on the short time that we spent with her and what we have read, we truly think that Ms. Lawrence can be the shining star that Hollywood deserves...she brings an unpretentious and dignified quality back to the silver screen and is clearly very grounded even after all of her great successes (and at such a young age, might we add). Thank you Jennifer for the refreshing attitude you bring...in this day and age of "reality" TV "stars"; unrealistic celebrity ideals (that too many, especially kids, try to emulate) and awful Hollywood role models...you are a breath of fresh air...congratulations on your FIRST Oscar!
Thank you very much to Jessi for the tip!
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