Jennifer Lawrence came in as number 2 on VH1's list. It's no surprise with how busy she's been this year! With her films The Hunger Games, House at the End of the Street, and Silver Lining's Playbook she's sure had a big year along with all of her award nominations!
Dominating Moment: As the Girl Who Was on Fire, Lawrence drew a whole lot more than teen girls to the theaters to watch her battle other kids to the death in The Hunger Games. The movie had the biggest ever opening weekend for March, and went on to rank as the third biggest movie of the year, behind behemoths The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. She also managed to follow that up with a little horror flick, House at the End of the Street, and a heartbreakingly funny role as the widow helping Bradley Cooper get his life back on track through ballroom dancing in Silver Linings Playbook, earning herself a Golden Globe nod.
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