Above is an old clip of Jennifer Lawrence in the TV Show 'Monk'
This is what Jennifer had to say about her role
When I first got to California and started auditioning, this one Sunday we were at this church and I was in this youth group thing I guess where the younger kids go while the adults do their church. There were two characters in that episode, Emily J. and Emily C. I thought I was gonna be Emily C., that was my understanding because that’s who I auditioned for then I found out I got the part so I went, “Cool, Emily C.” Somebody announces like, “Oh I’m gonna be Emily J. in Monk,” and I was like, “Oh my God, I’m gonna be Emily C.!” so everybody at church was like, “Great, we can’t wait to see you guys!” It turns out I’m a mascot, I come in and I’m on the screen for three and a half seconds maybe, I have two lines and then I rumble away. I literally take my cat hat off, it’s the most humiliating [thing] and everybody’s like “Oh Emily C.” so I never went back to church ever again.
Source: jen-lawrence.tumblr
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